I had a dilemma recently.

I was struggling with the pros and cons of a new business we were considering taking in. When navigating through it with people around me, I often heard "you already have the answer" — which is nice to listen to, but doesn't make any decisions that cost money any simpler. I may write more about this particular issue somewhere in the future, for now I want to focus on what motivates the answers I've heard.

It took me a while to define who I am today, and I'm proud of the core values that guide my life. Like a compass, while I've never owned one, they help me navigate and stay aligned towards my destination.

While watching "The Bear"* recently, I started wondering what are awebrie's standards of operation. I know they exist, but I've never put them in writing. Watching Carmy's jot down his "non negotiables list", pushed me to try write ours. Since I'm already breaking down all boxes, I'll focus on the other driving points — I promise this was the only spoiler 😇

These principles reflect the standards we hold ourselves accountable to. They push us to be and do better. They are our commitment to our customers.

So, what are awebrie's non negotiable?

Prioritise long term relationships

It’s never about one project, foster lasting partnerships. Be reliable, and consistent.

Deliver on time

Plan ahead, communicate setbacks, and manage volume. Deliver on schedule, every time.

Client’s goals come first

We are in the business of making client’s vision a reality, not in the business of showing off.

Honest communication

No lies, no second guessing. Keep everyone in the loop. Lean towards transparency, and address matters promptly.

Details make the difference

Every interaction, meeting, message, pixel, line of code matters. Stay focused, don’t do things halfway.

Own your mistakes**

How you respond to mistakes matters more than the mistake that happened.

Collaboration over ego

There’s no solo efforts. The best results comes from collaboration, and ideas come from anywhere. Listen, share openly, and work together to find the best solution.

Don’t chase the last dollar***

Profit, yes. There's room for everyone to benefit from.

Trust your gut

Experience and intuition are powerful. Allow them to guide you when the right path isn’t obvious.

Keep trying

The first draft is just a draft, don’t get too attached to it. Refine, test, improve, until it’s at the best it can be.

Today, we stay tuned to the rhythm of this list, through our relationship with client's and their needs. Over time, this list should evolve with us. As we learn, our experiences will shape these principles.

* If you haven’t go watch "The Bear", go, it’s good.
** Changed a word here, had a Mark Manson touch to it.
*** Charlie Munger influenced this one.

Thank you for following our journey, you can subscribe for next updates. If you have any feedback, tips or ideas to share, email me at j@awebrie.com

Let's collaborate


Let's collaborate


Let's collaborate


Let's collaborate
